Exploring the Best Robinhood Alternatives for Savvy Investors

Platform Stock Trading Fees ETF Trading Fees Options Trading Fees Account Maintenance Fees
E*TRADE $0 $0 $0.65 per contract None
TD Ameritrade $0 $0 $0.65 per contract None
Fidelity $0 $0 $0.65 per contract None
Charles Schwab $0 $0 $0.65 per contract None
Webull $0 $0 $0.65 per contract None

Robinhood has been a game-changer in the stock investing world, making it super easy for anyone to start trading without paying commissions. But hey, it’s always good to have options, right? There are plenty of other platforms out there that might suit your specific needs even better. So, let’s dive into some top alternatives to Robinhood and see what they have to offer.

Key Takeaway: With a ton of online brokerage options available, it’s important to check out the features, fees, and resources of each one to find the best match for your investing style.

Criteria for Choosing a Stock Investing Platform

Picking the right stock investing platform is a big deal if you want to hit your financial goals. Here are some things to keep in mind:

Fees and Commissions

You’ll want to get a good grip on how much each platform charges for trades, account maintenance, and any sneaky hidden fees.

User Interface and Experience

A platform that’s easy to use makes a huge difference. It should be simple to place trades and keep an eye on your investments.

Range of Available Assets

Make sure the platform offers a variety of investment options like stocks, ETFs, options, mutual funds, and more.

Research Tools and Educational Resources

Access to solid research tools and educational content can really help you make smarter investment choices.

Customer Support and Service

Good customer support is a must. It’s important to have quick and helpful responses when you run into issues.

Top Robinhood Alternatives

Now, let’s check out some of the best alternatives to Robinhood, each with its own perks.


Background and History

E*TRADE has been a leader in online trading since the early days of the internet. It’s been around for a while and is a top pick for many investors.

Features and Benefits

ETRADE lets you trade U.S.-listed stocks, ETFs, and options online with zero commission fees. They offer some pretty advanced trading tools on their ETRADE web platform and the Power E*TRADE platform, which are perfect for seasoned traders. On top of that, they’ve got a wealth of research tools, market analysis, and educational resources to help you make smart trading choices.

Pros and Cons

The pros include robust trading platforms, comprehensive research tools, and solid customer support. On the downside, it has higher fees for broker-assisted trades and mutual funds.

TD Ameritrade

Background and History

TD Ameritrade is another big name in the brokerage world, known for its powerful trading platforms and extensive educational resources.

Features and Benefits

The Thinkorswim trading platform really shines with its top-notch charting and analysis features. TD Ameritrade has a great selection of investment options like stocks, bonds, ETFs, options, futures, and forex. Plus, their customer support is available around the clock, which is super convenient.

Pros and Cons

Pros are no commission on online stock trades, an exceptional trading platform, and tons of educational content. Cons include a complex fee structure for certain products and services.


Background and History

Fidelity is a financial giant known for its low-cost index funds and a customer-first approach.

Features and Benefits

Fidelity offers zero-commission trades for U.S. stocks and ETFs, with no account fees or minimums. It also has a wide selection of investment options, including mutual funds, ETFs, bonds, and international stocks. Fidelity’s research tools are top-notch, including proprietary research and third-party analysis.

Pros and Cons

The pros are excellent customer service, extensive research tools, and low-cost investment options. A con is that it has limited access to some advanced trading features compared to other platforms.

Charles Schwab

Background and History

Charles Schwab is a big player in the brokerage industry, known for its commitment to low-cost investing and comprehensive services.

Features and Benefits

Schwab offers $0 online stock and ETF trades and has a wealth of educational resources and tools for investors of all levels. The platforms are user-friendly, catering to both beginners and experienced investors.

Pros and Cons

The pros are strong customer support, low fees, and extensive educational content. A con is that some advanced trading features are less robust compared to specialized platforms.


Background and History

Webull is a newer player but has quickly gained popularity with its commission-free trades and advanced trading tools.

Features and Benefits

Webull offers commission-free trades for stocks, ETFs, and options. It provides a suite of advanced trading tools, including real-time market data, technical indicators, and customizable charts. Plus, their mobile app is top-notch.

Pros and Cons

The pros are no trading fees, advanced tools, and a great mobile app. The cons are limited customer support options and fewer educational resources compared to some competitors.

Niche and Specialty Platforms

Besides the mainstream brokerage platforms, there are niche and specialty platforms tailored to specific investing needs.

M1 Finance

Overview and Unique Features

M1 Finance blends automated investing with the flexibility to customize your portfolio. It’s perfect if you want a bit of both worlds.

  • Automated Investing: M1 Finance handles portfolio management, rebalancing, and dividend reinvestment for you.
  • Customizable Portfolios: You can create and tweak your own “pies” – a visual way to set up your portfolio.

Pros and Cons

The pros are no fees for basic account management, customizable portfolios, and automated investing. A con is the limited research tools and no direct trading of individual securities.


Overview and Unique Features

Acorns is aimed at beginners and those who want to start investing with small amounts of money through micro-investing and round-ups.

  • Micro-Investing and Round-Ups: Acorns rounds up your everyday purchases to the nearest dollar and invests the spare change into a diversified portfolio for you.
  • Ease of Use: It’s super user-friendly, making it easy for anyone to get started.

Pros and Cons

The pros are that it’s great for beginners, automated investing, and low barrier to entry. The cons are the monthly fees can add up, especially for small accounts, and limited investment options.


Overview and Unique Features

Public.com offers a social investing experience where you can follow other investors and share insights.

  • Social Investing: Public.com lets you see what other people are investing in and share your own insights.
  • Community-Driven Insights: It’s all about creating a community of investors who discuss strategies and market trends.

Pros and Cons

The pros are commission-free trades, social investing features, and a supportive community. A con is that it lacks advanced trading tools and research compared to other platforms.

How to Decide Which Platform is Right for You

Choosing the right investing platform depends on what you’re looking for. Here’s how you can decide:

Evaluate Your Investment Goals

Think about whether you’re in it for the long haul, a day trader, or just starting out. Your goals will guide you to the right platform.

Compare Fees and Features

Look at the fees and features of different platforms to find the best value for your trading style.

Consider the Range of Investment Options

Make sure the platform offers the types of investments you’re interested in, like stocks, ETFs, mutual funds, etc.

Assess the Quality of Research and Education

Platforms with great research tools and educational resources can help you make smarter investment choices.

Test Customer Support

Good customer support can be crucial, especially if you run into issues or need help with your account.


With so many alternatives to Robinhood, it’s important to find the platform that best fits your needs and investment goals. From the big names like E*TRADE and TD Ameritrade to niche platforms like M1 Finance and Acorns, there’s something out there for every type of investor. Use the factors outlined in this guide to choose the best platform for you and take control of your financial future.


What are the main differences between Robinhood and its alternatives?

The main differences are in fee structures, the range of available assets, trading tools, and customer support. Some platforms have more advanced tools and better research resources, while others focus on user experience and educational content.

Can I use multiple brokerage platforms at the same time?

Yes, many investors use multiple platforms to take advantage of the different features and benefits each one offers. This can help diversify your strategy and optimize your trading experience.

How do commission-free trades work?

Commission-free trades mean you don’t pay a fee to the brokerage for executing trades. This model is popular among modern platforms, allowing you to trade stocks and ETFs without extra costs.

Are there any hidden fees I need to know about?

While many platforms offer commission-free trades, it’s important to review their fee structures for hidden costs like account maintenance fees, withdrawal fees, and fees for additional services like broker-assisted trades.

How important is customer support in choosing a brokerage platform?

Customer support is super important for sorting out any problems with your account. Having dependable support means you’ll get help quickly, which is especially crucial for making trades and handling your investments smoothly.

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